Why I Joined EverChain: Dan Green

We sat down with EverChain’s Chief Revenue Officer, Daniel (Dan) Green, to speak with him about why he joined EverChain. We wanted to understand the “Why” behind his passion, dedication, and enthusiasm for EverChain.

Why I Join EverChain:

I joined EverChain because “It’s rare to find a niche market with such a large unaddressed problem that had potentially catastrophic consequences to multiple parties. EverChain was not only the first company to identify it, but the only company that was actually solving this problem. If the problem was fascinating, EverChain’s solution was brilliant in its simplicity; focus on protecting the consumer during a debt sale. If you pour all your efforts into protecting the consumer before, during, and after a debt sale, you directly protect both the buyer and the seller. I knew then that this was a market-moving concept and jumped in with both feet.”

Daniel’s Bio:

Daniel Green is the CRO of EverChain. he is responsible for operations, sales, development, and revenue management. Dan has spent the last two decades working in the technology and travel industry focusing on sales, marketing, and corporate training. He has worked with some of the world’s leading travel and leisure brands including being a Co-Founder and Vice President of Sales for Trooval. Dan is highly regarded in the industry as a thought leader and technology innovator but is most well-known for his passion around and for protecting consumers from shady (and illegal) collection entities. His enthusiasm is contagious and is the driving force behind his relentless pursuit of excellence.

You can read more about Daniel on his LinkedIn Profile.

About EverChain®

EverChain® facilitates compliant and secure debt sales for lenders and other creditors through our end-to-end compliance management of buyers and their recovery service providers. EverChain® is an experienced debt sales advisor with the expertise to help creditors optimize their recovery strategy while protecting their consumers, brand, and bottom line. Want to learn more about how EverChain can help you with Non-Performing loans or buying debt click here, or to schedule a free demonstration with our dynamic sales team click here.