Credit Card Debt reaches $1 Trillion
For the first time on record, credit card debt has surged past $1 trillion, driven by high-interest rates and increasing delinquencies, notably among young borrowers. Total balances on credit cards and other revolving accounts reached $1 trillion the week of July 26, up from $998 billion the prior week, according to reports from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
The $1 trillion milestone marks an increase of $193.4 billion since the beginning of the year and a staggering $264 billion above the level seen in April 2021, during the onset of the pandemic.
A recent article from Yahoo Finance notes that this milestone signals potential financial challenges. As rates near 40-year highs, credit card holders face intensified strain, especially the youngest age group, with over 8.5% at risk of serious delinquency. With the end of federal student loan forbearance looming, individuals might turn to credit cards for support, exacerbating the issue.
According to Bankrate, just 54% of US credit card holders pay their balances in full every month, meaning that 46% carry their debt and are, therefore, paying more in interest than ever before.
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