Receivables Roundtable: Jenn Wilson, EverChain’s Head of Compliance
Systems, platforms, media, oh my! Much to consider before, during, and after debt sales and acquisitions. Receivables Roundtable Founder, Adam Parks talks with Jenn Wilson, Corporate Secretary and Chief Compliance Officer of EverChain, about the balance of deals and compliance. Find out more about what it means to be a certified buyer or seller with EverChain and how they uniquely approach business in the ARM space. Learn why compliance is so important in the selling and purchasing of non-performing loans – and how EverChain’s innovative technology is revolutionizing receivables management. From their certified member network to their cloud-based recovery management tool, they are changing the way that the debt industry does business and improving the recovery experience for both creditors and consumers in the process. Their unique approach gives buyers access to more portfolios at better prices, and creditors benefit by gaining visibility into the entire life of sold accounts until it is settled. Recovery does not stop at sale. EverChain is the only company that is handling the post-sale end of the transactions in addition to the upfront piece. Stay current with industry news by Following EverChain on LinkedIn!Connect with Jennifer Wilson on LinkedIn.
About EverChain®
EverChain® facilitates compliant and secure debt sales for lenders and other creditors. We enable creditors to manage and monetize their uncollected receivables via our technology platform (patent pending) consistently and compliantly. EverChain® is an experienced debt sales advisor who has the expertise to help creditors optimize their recovery strategy while protecting their consumers, brand, and bottom line. One of the prime focuses of our business is to optimize compliance across sellers, buyers, law firms, and agencies.
To learn more, book your consultation, or email our dynamic sales team today!