Taking Unnecessary Risks With Consumers’ PII?

Taking Unnecessary Risk with Consumer PII

ARE YOU TAKING UNNECESSARY RISKS WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS’ PII? As a lender, you are entrusted with large amounts of your customers’ PII (Personally Identifiable Information) and, according to several federal statutes protecting PII, you are responsible for the security of that data. As the originating creditor, you likely have security and access protocols in place […]

Why Employees Violate Cybersecurity Policies

Why 67% of employees violate cybersecurity policies

Why Employees Violate Cybersecurity Policies by Harvard Business Review Harvard Business Review published an article on Why Employees Violate Cybersecurity Policies. They explored why employees violate cybersecurity policies, and the results were quite interesting. Contrary to popular belief, their recent study suggests that “the vast majority of intentional policy breaches stem not from some malicious desire […]