State of the Debt Sales Market – CBA Webinar featuring TransUnion & EverChain

The State of the Debt Sales Market: Evolving Creditor Strategies for Handling Non-Performing Loans

State of the Debt Sales Market – CBA Webinar featuring TransUnion & EverChain Evolving Creditor Strategies for Handling Non-Performing Loans. Did you miss our live webinar? Watch as EverChain’s Chief Executive Officer, Matthew Wratten, and TransUnion’s Director of Financial Services, Javier Alvarado, discuss the ongoing challenges in the debt sales market and offer strategies to […]

The Value of Utilizing a Broker to Sell Charged-Off Accounts

The Value of Using a Broker to Sell Charged-Off Accounts

Creditors looking to optimize their recovery strategy to include debt sales face many challenges in building a long-lasting relationship with a debt buyer partner. Creditors often struggle to find the right debt buyer partner and to build the necessary processes and tools needed to support buyers’ post-sale. These challenges can be overcome by working with […]

EverChain Jumpstarts European Expansion in the UK

EverChain's European Expansion.

EverChain Jumpstarts European Expansion in the UK.  EverChain UK will leverage EverChain’s decade of experience and proprietary recovery management solution to bring compliant debt sales to the UK. July 19, 2022 – EverChain, the only consumer-centric Recovery Management Solution (RMS) for consumer lenders and creditors, today announced the initial phase of its international expansion strategy […]

Fintech Nexus Interviews EverChain’s Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Matthew Wratten

Listen to the fintech podcast to learn how everchain is improving recovery for both creditors & consumers

Fintech Nexus Interviews EverChain’s Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Matthew Wratten Listen to the Interview The debt-buying process is one that has traditionally been highly manual with Excel spreadsheets flying around and not much automation or sophistication. But that has started to change as fintech has come to debt buying and selling. My next guest […]

Taking Unnecessary Risks With Consumers’ PII?

Taking Unnecessary Risk with Consumer PII

ARE YOU TAKING UNNECESSARY RISKS WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS’ PII? As a lender, you are entrusted with large amounts of your customers’ PII (Personally Identifiable Information) and, according to several federal statutes protecting PII, you are responsible for the security of that data. As the originating creditor, you likely have security and access protocols in place […]

What is an auto deficiency balance?

Sales manager women handing over the keys to an auto customer after receiving a successful payment

With nearly 2.2 million vehicle repossessions every year and over $600 billion in auto loans in the United States, many consumers may be wondering what leads to repossession and why they still owe money even after their car has been taken away. This is called an auto deficiency balance. The goal of this Money Chat Article – […]

Debt Sales as a Recovery Option for Creditors

Debt sales recovery options

Recovery options for creditors If you are like most consumer lenders, you know a portion of your loan portfolio will default. As a creditor, there are three recovery options you can do when a customer fails to pay their debt: Collect: Attempt to collect internally or Assign to a law firm or third-party collection agency […]

Investors Turn Wary on Consumer Debt

Demand softens for bonds backed by loans from riskier borrowers, along with shares of fintech consumer-lending companies. Investors are growing more skittish about bonds backed by consumer debt, worried that inflation and slowing growth will increase the number of low-income borrowers falling behind on car payments or credit card. Buyers of bonds backed by subprime […]

Broker vs. EverChain’s Full-Service Debt Sales Approach.

When lenders decide to sell their debt, they have options. Broker vs. EverChain’s Full-Service Debt Sales Approach.  Many lenders choose to use a broker because they don’t want to invest in the staff, and the technology it would take to compliantly sell debt directly to a buyer. Sure, you could hire the staff, train them, […]

Why I Joined EverChain: Daniel Green

Image of Dan Green

Why I Joined EverChain: Dan Green We sat down with EverChain’s Chief Revenue Officer, Daniel (Dan) Green, to speak with him about why he joined EverChain. We wanted to understand the “Why” behind his passion, dedication, and enthusiasm for EverChain. Why I Join EverChain: I joined EverChain because “It’s rare to find a niche market […]