Are Consumer Lenders Prepared for the Debt Tsunami?

Are Consumer Lenders Prepared for the Debt Tsunami? A TSUNAMI OF DEBT IS ON THE HORIZON. IF HISTORY IS ABOUT TO REPEAT ITSELF – HOW CAN CONSUMER LENDERS PREPARE FOR THE INCREASE IN DEFAULTS? There are five factors negatively impacting the global economy (high inflation, unemployment, deep recession, mounting debt and slow economic growth). If […]

Debt Sales as a Recovery Option for Creditors

Debt sales recovery options

Recovery options for creditors If you are like most consumer lenders, you know a portion of your loan portfolio will default. As a creditor, there are three recovery options you can do when a customer fails to pay their debt: Collect: Attempt to collect internally or Assign to a law firm or third-party collection agency […]

Investors Turn Wary on Consumer Debt

Demand softens for bonds backed by loans from riskier borrowers, along with shares of fintech consumer-lending companies. Investors are growing more skittish about bonds backed by consumer debt, worried that inflation and slowing growth will increase the number of low-income borrowers falling behind on car payments or credit card. Buyers of bonds backed by subprime […]

Broker vs. EverChain’s Full-Service Debt Sales Approach.

When lenders decide to sell their debt, they have options. Broker vs. EverChain’s Full-Service Debt Sales Approach.  Many lenders choose to use a broker because they don’t want to invest in the staff, and the technology it would take to compliantly sell debt directly to a buyer. Sure, you could hire the staff, train them, […]

Why I Joined EverChain: Daniel Green

Image of Dan Green

Why I Joined EverChain: Dan Green We sat down with EverChain’s Chief Revenue Officer, Daniel (Dan) Green, to speak with him about why he joined EverChain. We wanted to understand the “Why” behind his passion, dedication, and enthusiasm for EverChain. Why I Join EverChain: I joined EverChain because “It’s rare to find a niche market […]

Non-Performing Loans EverChain Reduces Consumer Complaints

Non-Performing Loans, EverChain Reduces Consumer Complaints A major consumer lender who historically sold non-performing loans (NPLs) directly to an individual debt buyer was experiencing a high volume of consumer complaints. The lender wanted to determine if selling their accounts via EverChain’s Certified Network would reduce their consumer complaint volume. As a result, EverChain’s certified network […]

DebtTrader is Now EverChain RMS

Debt Trader is now part of the EverChain complete recovery management suite

DebtTrader is Now EverChain RMS EverChain Kicks Off 10th Anniversary with a New Brand, Enhanced Offering, A Complete Recovery Management Solution. [Henderson, NV] February 1, 2022 – DebtTrader, the industry’s leading compliant and secure online debt marketplace, is now part of the EverChain family. Founded in 2012, the DebtTrader solution has become synonymous with innovation and compliance […]

The 3 Pillars of Charged-Off Debt Management

The 3 Pillars of Charged-Off Debt Management Join ACA and EverChain for a power-packed webinar where you will learn how innovative new technology is helping creditors maximize compliance and enhance the consumer experience during the entire recovery process. We will explore how advances in technology have impacted the three pillars of charged-off debt management including […]

EverChain Sponsors RMAI for 8th Year

EverChain Sponsors RMAI for 8th Year! December 21, 2021 (Sacramento, CA) Behind every successful event are committed supporters who make things happen. EverChain is a long-term supporter of the Receivables Management Association International (RMAI) Annual Conference. They have committed again to sponsoring the 2022 RMAI Annual Conference with Gold Sponsorship, their eighth consecutive year of […]